Sunday 25 May 2008

I might be wrong

Well I went back to Starbucks because I was sitting at my desk until 11 looking at the rain. I think I need The Routine more than it needs me.

The main think I think I’ve learnt so far about writing is about what it takes to do a first draft. I mostly write a first draft for a short story in one or two sittings, pretty much blind. I might know the kind of thing I’m writing, and what has to be in it, but I’ll find out what is going on as I write, and it’s only when I get to the second draft that I really fit it together. Really, the first draft of something so short you can write it in one sitting is based on your own ignorance of what you are doing.
The problem is, I can’t rely on ignorance to get me through a novel. You have to be aware of the bits that need to happen, and that they might not get written for ages; you have to make them possible, to keep them in the realm potential.
I’ve written that in the past tense, but I don’t know what I’m talking about because I’m still setting up and haven’t begun to knock down. These are just things that I’m acutely aware of.

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